In addition on joining where your porfolio will be displayed and you can be found directly by brides and grooms in your area, it is also possible to submit your photos every quarter to be judged by the best wedding photographers in the world.
At the end of the year (after 4 rounds), photographers with the most awards will get great promotion and win great prizes, which are made available by our partners and sponsors.
You can enter up to 5 photos every round. For the five photos you pay £10 per round. Most of the revenue will be used for the promotion the Photographers and amongst bridal couples across the UK.
After the winning photos have been announced, they will be extensively promoted by our partners in the wedding and photography business.
After winning an award, the winning photographer may use the Wedding Photography Award winning logo for communication purposes this well be sent our by email.
Bridal couples can search our website for photographers with the most awards and view your website.
Plus it is FREE to sign up for 2021, and a small fee to submit your images for the awards.